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The queue system is used by both players and NPCs to queue the execution of a script in a central place with a predefined order of execution. Queues are often used for skilling that doesn’t involve interacting with entities, or getting hit by something.

Table of contents

Player Queue

Contrary to popular belief, there is a single queue for players, excluding the area queue which will be covered below. All scripts, regardless of the queue type used, will go to the end of the same queue. There is no known cap for the number of scripts that may reside in the queue.

Queue Types

There are four known queue types used for the player queue.


  • Removed from the queue if there are any strong scripts in the queue prior to the queue being processed.
  • Removed from the queue upon any interruptions, some of which are:
    • Interacting with an entity or clicking on a game square.
    • Interacting with an item in your inventory.
    • Unequipping an item.
    • Opening an interface.
    • Closing an interface.
    • Dragging items in inventory.
  • In general, it seems like any action which closes an interface also clears all weak scripts from the queue.


  • Skipped in the execution block if the player has a modal interface open at the time.


  • Removes all weak scripts from the queue prior to being processed.
  • Closes modal interface prior to executing.


  • Cannot be paused or interrupted. It will always execute as long as the timer behind it is up.
  • Closes modal interface prior to executing.


The processing block for player queue has undergone two large changes in 2021. The below explanation strictly only applies to the current version of the queue.

The queue does not get processed if the player is under a delay. At the start of the processing block, the queue is iterated and checked for any strong scripts. If a strong script is in the queue, modal interface is closed before the processing begins. In addition to this, if a strong script exists in the queue, all weak scripts will be removed from the queue prior to the processing start.

The queue is processed in the exact order in which the scripts were added to it. The processing happens in an indefinite loop. The loop only exits if this condition becomes true:

  • If all the scripts were skipped in the last loop. Meaning none of the scripts from the very first entry to the very last one were processed.

While going over the scripts, ones which are set to execute in the future are skipped. If there’s a normal script being processed, it gets skipped if the player has a modal interface open. If a strong or soft script is processed, modal interface is forcibly closed prior to it processing. If any script sets a delay, processing further scripts cannot happen, and all scripts except for soft thereafter will be skipped. As mentioned above, soft scripts cannot be interrupted in any way, and will process even if the player is delayed. The script will be resumed when the delay ends at the start of the tick, although it will not continue processing any other scripts in the queue.

It should be noted that if a script queues another script, the earliest that the queued script may execute is the following server tick. However, even though it cannot execute, it will still be checked for in the processing loop. This can be observed through the strong scripts, which, if queued from within another script, will still be processed and as such will close the modal interface.


Because the above wall of text can be rather difficult to understand for people, below is a pseudocode example of roughly how the queue processing would look like on their server end. In this example, kotlin will be used.

fun process() {
    val queue = this@Player.queue
    if (queue.any { it.type == QueueType.Strong }) {
        closeModalInterfaces() // As explained above, this also removes all weak scripts from the queue.
    while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
        val processedQueueCount = processQueue()
        if (processedQueueCount == 0) break

fun processQueue(): Int {
    var processedQueueCount = 0
    this@Player.queue.removeIf { script ->
        if (script.type == QueueType.Strong || script.type == QueueType.Soft) closeModalInterfaces()
        if (script.canProcessScript()) {
            // Do note that if the script sets a delay here during process, the script will be resumed at the start of
            // player processing on the tick that the delay ends.
            return@removeIf true
        return@removeIf false
    return processedQueueCount

fun QueueScript.canProcessScript(): Boolean = (type == QueueType.Soft || !this@Player.delayed()) && !containsModalInterface() && !future()

  • The player.delayed() function call refers to the delays mechanic.
  • The script.future() function simply checks the clock attached on the script. If it is set to execute in the future, the script will not yet be processed. A runescript example of this would be weakqueue*(smith_generic,3)(arguments), which sets the script to execute three server ticks from the moment it was queued.


Below is a diagram showing the processing logic behind queues.

Queue diagram

Long Queue

The long queue is a normal queue that comes with extra behaviour for how the script should be processed if the player attempts to log out before the script has been processed. The longqueue command consists of three primary arguments, along with any script-specific arguments:

  • Script label
  • Any arguments specific to the script itself(variable-size, can be blank)
  • Delay until execution
  • Behavioral type
    • There are two types:
      • Accelerate
        • Implies that on logout, the intended delay until the script is meant to execute is ignored, and the script will attempt to process each tick, as long as the rest of the conditions allow for it.
      • Discard
        • Implies that on logout, the script will just be discarded.

Use Case

There is only one confirmed use case of a long queue: longqueue(my2arm_throneroom_resetcam,0,0,^discard); The string in that command is the label of the script, followed by an argument for the my2arm_throneroom_resetcam script, followed by the delay until the script will be executed, and ending with the behavioral type of ^discard, meaning the script will just be discarded if the player logs out.

Known Uses

Below is a small list of known uses of queues, along with their types.

  • Damage
    • Strong type
    • Delayed damage is included by this, so for example sending out a spell
    • Not all damage necessarily goes through the strong queue, some exceptions to this are:
      • Divine potions apply damage right in the item script, do not use any queues.
      • Some damage, although rather rare, will use the normal type instead. An example of this is recoil damage.
  • Scrawled note
    • Normal type
    • Reading the notes opens the initial interface immediately in the script that handles the item click, but also queues a normal script to open the second interface, which is the dialogue behind it.
  • Fletching
    • Weak type
  • Changing window mode(e.g. going to resizable mode)
    • Soft type

Example Scenarios

In order to better demonstrate how the queue is processed, below are some examples which respect the key parts of the queue.

Example One

Eat a dwarven rock cake, then use home teleport on the same exact tick. The eating of the dwarven rock cake queues a strong script to damage you, while the home teleport simply starts a weak script. Regardless of the order in which you perform this, the home teleport script is removed before the processing even begins, as there exists a strong script in the queue. This example implies that weak scripts are always wiped prior to any processing if there is a strong script in the queue.

Example Two

Start a weak script, such as fletching. Before it can finish executing, have something or someone shoot an arrow at you. The weak script is immediately cancelled the tick at which the arrow begins firing towards you, even if the damage doesn’t happen for several ticks. This example implies that weak scripts are wiped even if strong scripts are still waiting to be executed.

Example Three

Talk to Malignius Mortifer, get the dialogue to the page right before he transforms you into a mushroom. The mushroom transformation is queued on you when the last dialogue page appears. While on that dialogue page, read scrawled notes. At this stage, you now have the scrawled notes interface open, and the queue contains the mushroom transformation and the second half of the scrawled notes dialogue. Both of those scripts are normal type. Upon closing the interface, the mushroom script will play, adding a delay on your character in the process. Once the delay ends, the second half of the scrawled notes will get processed, and the dialogue opens. This example demonstrates how script processing halts if there is a delay added on your character. Without the delay, the second half of scrawled notes would’ve immediately opened as the mushroom transformation began.

NPC Queue

NPCs, like players, only have one queue. A difference between players and NPCs however is that while player queues can have four strengths, NPCs all only have one.

This section is incomplete and will be expanded upon later.

Area Queue

Area queue is used strictly by players to execute various scripts, such as entering the multiway zones, unlocking music, or updating the state of farming patches.

This section is incomplete and will be expanded upon later.